Mangere Bridge

Location icon Auckland, 新西兰
编号#: 20240521
类别: 交通工具


场地 exterior floors
位置 Auckland, 新西兰
子目录 桥梁
打开 2022
施工 Mapecoat TNS Extreme has recently been used to provide the protection of the deck surface of the new Mangere Bridge in Auckland.
The Old Māngere Bridge was closed in November 2018 after being used by the community for over 100 years. In late 2021, it was deconstructed and removed from the harbour. The Auckland city council engaged with Maori land rights, communities, businesses and Local Government partners between 2012 and 2015 to find out what people loved about the bridge, how they used it, and what they wanted for the new one. The valuable community feedback helped us shape the design and layout of the new bridge – completed in 2022. The newly built bridge ensures the important walking and cycling connection between communities is maintained and also creates an appealing public space, making travel through the area more accessible and enjoyable. The bridge’s layout has been designed to promote safe and accessible use by a variety of users, including people travelling on foot or by bike, recreational users and people fishing. By maximising the views from the bridge, the connection to the wider harbour area and surrounding landscape is enhanced. With the varied types of traffic and public safety in mind, Auckland City Council selected the Mapecoat TNS Extreme coating to protect and beautify the bridge deck surface. Auckland Council had specified TNS Extreme for a number of their facilities previously and were well aware of its ability to provide hard wearing, safe and UV resistant surfaces capable of withstanding all types of traffic and environmental exposures. The Mapecoat TNS has excellent physical and mechanical properties, allowing it to protect high-traffic surfaces used by players, cycles, skateboards, scooters, fisherman and vehicles alike. The TNS Extreme has excellent UV resistance and can be created in any colour or design.
开始和结束日期 2022/2023
施工类型 地面/墙面面层材料
业主 Auckland City Council
承包商公司 McConnell Dowell
安装公司 Solid Floors Ltd
积分 Scott Lacey & Auckland City Council
马贝协调员 Scott Lacey

本项目 使用的产品

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