Sarawak Aquatic Centre, Kuching

Location icon Kuching, 马来西亚
编号#: 60000040
类别: 体育设施


场地 Sarawak Aquatic Centre, Kuching
位置 Kuching, 马来西亚
子目录 水族馆
建于 2015
打开 2015
施工 Sarawak Aquatic Centre, Kuching
施工类型 地面/墙面面层材料
业主 Jabatan Kerja Raya Sarawak (Public Works Dept)
承包商公司 Hock Seng Lee Bhd
安装公司 ABK Pte Ltd
项目经理 Perunding Dayacipta
马贝经销商 Mapei Malaysia Sdn Bhd
描述 The RM163-million Sarawak Aquatics Centre with diving, competition, leisure and training pools was newly built for Sukma and will also be used for the South-east Asia (SEA) Games in 2017.

Built to FINA (International Swimming Federation) standards, Agrob Buchtal swimming pool ceramics from Germany were specified. ABK Pte Ltd, the reputable contractor from Singapore appointed for the installation works, was insistent on using MAPEI adhesives for the tiling works based on their previous and extensive experience.

Total installed area 8,000 m2

本项目 使用的产品

适用于2~20mm 缝宽的聚合物改性憎水型高性能填缝剂,具有抗风化、快干、快硬功能,DropEffect®…
无溶剂,酸性交联反应防霉硅酮密封胶,26 种颜色和透明色可供选择。墙面接缝伸缩率为原尺寸的±25% 。 马贝硅酮密封胶AC 达到ISO 11600…
马贝胶粘剂101 T
马贝胶粘剂101 T
抗滑移水泥基瓷砖胶粘剂 技术数据 存罐时间超过8小时 晾置时间(EN 1346) >20分钟 墙面填缝:4-8小时后 地面填缝:24小时后 施工温度:+5℃…


