Verkerks Meat, Auckland

Location icon Auckland, 新西兰
编号#: 42020001
类别: 生产设施


场地 food industry flooring
位置 Auckland, 新西兰
子目录 工业
施工 food processing facilities flooring
A great example of how aged or damaged flooring systems in food processing facilities can be repaired and restored to meet food hygiene and safety requirements was recently completed at a meat processing facility in Auckland. In this instance, the existing polyester flooring system had started to debond in areas, lost almost all of its slip resistance and had become porous allowing moisture ingress. A selection of Mapefloor industrial polyurethanes and epoxies were used to repair and replace the existing flooring to create a new floor that is now fit for purpose and food grade certified. Another great installation by Mapefloor trained applicators Topcoat Specialist Coatings Ltd who exceeded their clients expectations with the finished result.
开始和结束日期 2020
施工类型 地面/墙面面层材料
承包商公司 Sealcrete
安装公司 Topcoat Specialist Coatings Ltd
Project Manager Scott Lacey

本项目 使用的产品

马贝底涂 SN
马贝底涂 SN
双组份环氧预填充界面处理剂. 双组份无溶剂环氧预填充界面处理剂。马贝界面剂SN…
马贝环氧自流平 I300SL
马贝环氧自流平 I300SL
Two-component, multi-purpose, neutral-coloured epoxy formulate for industrial…


