Location icon PARIS, France
N° réf.: 6106


Chantier Floor for the entire shop
Localisation PARIS, France
Sous-catégorie MAGASIN
Ouvert en 2020
Demande Supply of our Ultratop System Terrazzo products (floor and furniture in prefabricated parts)
The Ultratop System Terrazzo is a decorative, polished, cast floor system based on hydraulic binders and aggregates, with a "terrazzo" effect. Using today's techniques, it is possible to obtain "Terrazzo alla Veneziana" with a traditional appearance, close to the authenticity of those created centuries ago in the Serenissima, but also a "polished concrete" appearance, with a lower density of aggregates, a random distribution and a more industrial appearance.
Date de début et de fin 2020
Type de demande Sols industriels a base de ciment ou resines
Installateurs MERGOZZO
Crédits MAPEI
Coordination MAPEI Ludovic Margiovanni

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