High-performance, deformable grey and white cementitious adhesive with variable rheology, with no vertical slip or with high wetting capacity, extended open time, with very low emission of volatile…
High-performance, deformable grey and white cementitious adhesive with variable…
High-performance deformable cementitious adhesive with no vertical slip, extended open time and Low Dust technology for ceramic tiles, particularly recommended for laying large porcelain and natural…
High-performance deformable cementitious adhesive with no vertical slip,…
Special high performance, deformable, non-slip grey and white adhesive with extended open time, Low Dust technology, very low emission of volatile organic compounds and with offset Greenhouse Gas…
Special high performance, deformable, non-slip grey and white adhesive with…
Two-component, high-performance polyurethane adhesive for ceramic tiles and stone material. Conformity of Keralastic is declared in ITT certificate n° 25120147/AG issued by the Technische Universität…
Two-component, high-performance polyurethane adhesive for ceramic tiles and…
wo-component, high-performance polyurethane adhesive with no vertical slip for ceramic tiles and stone material. Conformity of Keralastic T is declared in ITT certificates n° 25040471/Gi (TUM) issued…
wo-component, high-performance polyurethane adhesive with no vertical slip for…
Acid-based cleaning solution for ceramic tiles. Particularly recommended for eliminating lime efflorescence and for the final cleaning step of Tuscany terracotta. In powder (concentrated) or liquid…
Acid-based cleaning solution for ceramic tiles. Particularly recommended for…
Two-component epoxy adhesive with no vertical slip for ceramic tiles and stone material. Conformity of Kerapoxy Adhesive is declared in ITT certificate n° 25070399/Gi (TUM) issued by the Technische…
Two-component epoxy adhesive with no vertical slip for ceramic tiles and stone…
Special cleaning solution for epoxy grout, suitable for cleaning operations after completing laying work and for removing traces and stains of epoxy grout (such as KERAPOXY, KERAPOXY P, KERAPOXY…
Special cleaning solution for epoxy grout, suitable for cleaning operations…
Two-component epoxy grout, easy to apply and excellent cleanability, with a bacteriostatic agent and BioBlock® technology, ideal for grouting ceramic tiles and mosaics. For joints of at least 1 mm.…
Two-component epoxy grout, easy to apply and excellent cleanability, with a…