Daniele Sala
Restoration systems for historical buildings, Mapei SpA (Italy)

MAPE-ANTIQUE NHL ECO RESTAURA by Mapei is the most durable and innovative solution for historic structures and green building.

Adopting a sustainable approach to design 

Respect for the environment and sustainability are fundamental requisites of the modern building sector.
Adopting a sustainable approach to design means minimising the impact of new buildings on the environment with regards to construction methods and energy performance, but also striving to obtain the maximum efficacy and durability from technical solutions used for restoration and refurbishment work on existing buildings, including those of historical and architectural interest. 
With the introduction of the MAPE-ANTIQUE NHL ECO range, Mapei shows its commitment once again to supplying designers, contractors, users, and clients with innovative solutions that have a low impact on the environment, embodying the concepts of eco-compatibility and sustainability. The mortars in this range are specially formulated to have a high content of recycled materials and are produced using materials with very low emission of volatile organic compounds. Another important element that denotes the direction Mapei has taken is its decision to use recyclable paper and cardboard packaging for this product, as testified by the Aticelca (the Italian association of technicians and experts working in the paper industry) logo printed on the bags.
Mortars from the MAPE-ANTIQUE NHL ECO range are 100% cement-free and made from pure natural hydraulic lime, with the ability to provide long-lasting solutions to all those problems normally associated with masonry buildings, including masonry of important and listed structures.
Sustainability also means managing site activities with more awareness and in a simpler way, thanks also to the use of fewer materials which considerably reduces the amount of waste produced: the versatility of these materials, therefore, also becomes an important element of sustainability in building work. And MAPE-ANTIQUE NHL ECO RESTAURA is a mortar that can be used for three different types of application, a perfect example of this philosophy.

Rebuilding masonry.

Why should you choose MAPE-ANTIQUE NHL ECO RESTAURA?

Its strength is its versatility: MAPE-ANTIQUE NHL ECO RESTAURA is a multipurpose mortar recommended for refurbishing and levelling off substrates, render and mineral-based coatings on all types of buildings, including those of historical and architectural interest.
This mortar can be applied in layers from 3 to 30 mm thick in a single application, making it a valid solution for a host of problems typically encountered on façades, such as repointing and rebuilding substrates on masonry walls, and for partially or totally repairing render and skim coats, including those with old paintwork, thereby avoiding having to resort to demolishing heterogeneous substrates.
In addition, MAPE-ANTIQUE NHL ECO RESTAURA has excellent breathability which means it can also be applied to create skim coats in dehumidifying systems.

What are the advantages of using this product on site?

Thanks to its versatility, it can be used for a multitude of applications, so contractors require fewer materials when working on site, thereby facilitating site logistics and reducing costs. Also, thanks to its excellent workability, it is quick and easy to apply and gives guaranteed results because it is also highly compatible with all types of masonry (brickwork, tuff, stone and mixed masonry).
In addition, it is possible to embed alkali-resistant (A.R) glass fibre mesh such as MAPETHERM NET or MAPENET 150 in the mortar where required, which means MAPE-ANTIQUE NHL ECO RESTAURA can also be used to skim and level off the surface of existing render and areas of refurbished render.
Whatever type of application it is used for, the surface of MAPE-ANTIQUE NHL ECO RESTAURA may be finished off with hand tools such as a plastic, wooden or sponge float or with a power-float just a few hours after application, depending on the surrounding temperature and weather conditions. Once applied, the surfaces may be painted or coated with a coloured, silicate-based (SILEXCOLOR range) or siloxane-based (SILANCOLOR or SILANCOLOR PLUS range) product, or with any other type of coating material.


It is a product aimed at all professionals from the building sector: designers from the green building sector, but also designers working on historical buildings, in that all the products from the MAPE-ANTIQUE NHL ECO range are cement-free and made from pure natural hydraulic lime, compliant with restrictions often imposed by Local Heritage bodies. Thanks to the growing awareness of environmental issues, these products are increasingly in demand by contractors working on both small and large-scale sites, so easy to find from building products distributors.

Why choose Mapei?

Mapei has always been synonymous with quality, innovation, and experience. We guarantee full support during every executive phase, thanks to the widespread network of specialists working on every type of site and at every level. what is more, for Mapei, training and awareness of environmental issues are crucial. Therefore, the company is making increasingly significant investments into training activities and research and development work focused on sustainability.

Daniele Sala
Restoration systems for historical buildings, Mapei SpA (Italy)
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Products for masonry restoration