De-waxing, multi-action detergent for removing all types of metallic wax including the double-reticulation type, such as MAPELUX LUCIDA or MAPELUX OPACA. TECHNICAL DATA: Appearance: liquid. Colour:…
De-waxing, multi-action detergent for removing all types of metallic wax…
Pre-blended, ready-to-use industrial hardener for concrete floors made from special quartz in a granulometric curve, Portland cement and special additives. TECHNICAL DATA: Colour of mix: light grey,…
Pre-blended, ready-to-use industrial hardener for concrete floors made from…
Pre-blended dry-shake hardener for concrete floors made of special aggregates based on corundum, Portland cement and special additives. TECHNICAL DATA: Colour of mix: grey; other colours available on…
Pre-blended dry-shake hardener for concrete floors made of special aggregates…
Two-component epoxy primer in water dispersion for electrically conductive coatings. TECHNICAL DATA: Mixing ratio: comp. A : comp. B = 25 : 75. Colour of mix: black. Consistency of mix: fluid.…
Two-component epoxy primer in water dispersion for electrically conductive…