An original mix of harmonies for the bathroom walls
Two Mapei systems ensured high aesthetic impact, durability and resistance to water for the walls in the bathroom
Innovative Mapei systems created seamless and durable bathroom walls in a Bavarian residence, blending vibrant wallpaper and cementitious coatings. SHOWER SYSTEM DECOR allowed to install vinyl wallpaper on the wall next to the bathtub, while seamless and durable cementitious coatings were created on the other walls with ULTRATOP LOFT system
Nowadays, thanks to the evolution of materials and technologies, decorative surfaces can be created that are suitable for coating the walls around showers and bathtubs, using wallpaper or cementitious mortars, or even a combination of both.
One such example is a private residence near Fichtelgebirge, a range of mountains in Bavaria. Franz Ultsch, head of the Wandharmonie (Harmony of Walls) paints laboratory and a specialist in the interior design of bathrooms, recommended to the owners to use a solution that would create seamless surfaces characterised by an original combination of colours and materials for a final result with great, almost extravagant, aesthetic impact.

SHOWER SYSTEM DECOR allowed to install vinyl wallpaper on the wall next to the bathtub.
Art and technology
On the wall behind the bathtub, 3 x 2.5 m wallpaper was applied to create a pattern very similar to a work of art which immediately captures the attention of whoever enters this environment. In this particular case, “Veni, vidi, amavi” vinyl wallpaper by the company Muance was chosen, representing two figures wearing finely adorned garments and a variety of plants.
Two innovative systems proposed by Mapei were used to create these surfaces: SHOWER SYSTEM DECOR and ULTRATOP LOFT. The aim of the first system is to supply a system of products suitable for installing wall coverings, including in shower cabins, bathrooms and damp environments in general.
For this project ULTRABOND DECOR WET was used to apply the vinyl wallpaper. This is a one-component silylated polymer-based adhesive which is also suitable for installation on non-absorbent substrates.
The system was completed by applying MAPECOAT DECOR PROTECTION, a transparent, matt protective finish, which gives surfaces high resistance to wear and abrasion and makes them easier to clean, while at the same time protecting the surfaces.
MAPECOAT DECOR PROTECTION has the capacity to resist attack from the most common strains of bacteria (Escherichia Coli, Staphylococcus Aureus, MRSA and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa) because it is tested according to the method described in ISO 22196 standard, “Evaluating the antibacterial activity of plastics and other non-porous surfaces”; it is also resistant to particular cleaning and disinfecting agents (EN ISO2812-1 - method 3) and frequent cleaning and mould (UNI 11021).

Seamless, durable and resistant cementitious surfaces were created on the walls with ULTRATOP LOFT system.
Seamless design coatings
The grey walls covered with the cementitious coating act as a kind of “counterbalance” to the wallpaper in varying bright to softer colours. To obtain seamless, durable and resistant surfaces the ULTRATOP LOFT system consisting of special, trowellable cementitious pastes (ULTRATOP LOFT W and ULTRATOP LOFT F) was used, which is also suitable for application on vertical surfaces. This system meets the needs of the latest trends in contemporary interior design because, by being an innovative proposal, and apart from being available in various shades, colours and aesthetic effects, it also guarantees maximum durability and reliability.
The first step was to apply PRIMER GRIP WHITE synthetic resin-based adhesion promoter in water dispersion over the existing ceramic tiles after mechanically abrading them to create a rough surface. The next step was to apply ULTRATOP LOFT F, a one-component cementitious paste with a coarse texture. Once the surfaces had hardened they were sanded and then, after eliminating all the dust residues, treated with PRIMER LT acrylic primer so that the next layer, ULTRATOP LOFT W one-component cementitious paste with a fine texture, would adhere more firmly. After sanding the ULTRATOP LOFT W the surfaces were finished off by applying ULTRATOP BASE COAT, which acts as a base coat and evens out absorbency, followed by MAPEFLOOR FINISH 58 W two-component, matt, aliphatic polyurethane finish in water dispersion, which, when applied over the surface of ULTRATOP LOFT, improves its resistance to wear and scratches and limits dirt pick-up. MAPELUX OPACA was also applied to make cleaning and maintenance operations even easier, a matt, metallic wax which ensures surfaces are highly resistant to frequent use and cleaning, even with strong detergents.
The result is an original and functional bathroom with its own special “character”, with walls destined to create a special atmosphere for a very long time where one can relax and contemplate their beauty, even in such an intimate environment.
Project Information
Private residence, Fichtelgebirge (Germany)
Period of construction: 2020-2021
Period of the Mapei intervention: 2021
Design: Franz Ultsch
Main contractor: Wandharmonie
Intervention by Mapei: supplying a system to waterproof substrates and apply vinyl wallpaper on walls and a system to create cementitious wall coatings
Mapei Coordinator: Timo Griesshammer, Mapei GmbH (Germany)