Boom in redevelopment: we are in the mix
Francesc Busquets, General Manager of Mapei Spain: plenty of buildings in Spain are not energy efficient. We are ready to contribute to face this challenge.
Francesc Busquets, General Manager of Mapei Spain: plenty of buildings in Spain are not energy efficient. We are ready to contribute to face this challenge.
Mapei Spain is celebrating its 30th anniversary: how has it changed and how has its presence on the local building market expanded?
We have grown following the needs of the market. Like the other subsidiaries of the Group, we have been evolving through specialization, increasing our reference projects, and meeting our local market customers’ needs. There are a few milestones we can mention which I can summarize as follows: the opening of new warehouses and offices in strategic areas at the beginning of the 90s; the investment in new manufacturing plants through the acquisition and further investment in the facilities in Amposta in 1998 and Cabanillas del Campo in 2005 (the year I joined the company); the creation of the current corporate headquarters in Santa Perpètua de Mogoda (Barcelona) and, finally, the acquisition in 2018 of Tecnopol, a market leader in the waterproofing market segment with a very specialized and advanced technology, R&D facilities and a broad internationally customer base.
The international economy is up and running again: what are Mapei Spain’s goals for growth in the coming years?
We are ambitious and optimistic because we believe that the market is going to need and trust more and more our products and systems, which are efficient, innovative, sustainable and the right choice, for example, in renovation. Building renovation has skyrocketed in Spain in the latest few months and professionals are choosing Mapei products and services more than ever.
Energy-saving is a key issue for all economies. There is great potential for growth in Spain: for example, there are much less thermal insulated surfaces than in countries like Italy. Will this provide a new challenge and a fresh opportunity for Mapei Spain?
To answer this question, I will use a recent figure from Anfapa, the Spanish Association of Mortar Manufacturers and Thermal Insulation Systems.
Italy already has 18 million m2 of external thermal insulation. However, Spain, with a similar building stock, only has 4 million m2 which is certainly due to a cultural mistake, as most people think that Spain is not a ‘cold country’. This statement is basically wrong: we know that it takes 3 times more energy to decrease the temperature by 1ºC than to increase it by 1ºC. If Spain wants to contribute to the European Union’s 2030 Climate Target Plan and its objectives to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, it must begin to thermally insulate its buildings rapidly. Out of a 25-27 million buildings, only 1% Spanish buildings are estimated to own an A- or B-class energy certification. This is a tremendous challenge and both public administration bodies and companies can absolutely count on Mapei to win it.
Mapei Spain is heavily involved in upgrading the nation’s historical-artistic heritage: will this continue to be an expanding sector in the future?
Sure. We have been collaborating closely with architects that are highly specialized on the legacy left by geniuses such as GaudÍ and other Modernist architects. We are very proud of this, but we are also aware that it is quite a significant responsibility and a big challenge. Being part of a Group with 80 years of technical experience, highly committed to innovation and R&D, with a mother company based in one of the most important countries in terms of historical buildings to preserve, we can boast a strong experience in this kind of jobsites. This allowed us to take part in different restoration projects supplying product and systems to worldwide renowned buildings like the Sagrada Familia, the Hospital de Sant Pau or Casa Batlló.
What are the latest market niches in the building industry and latest product lines in the company’s development plans?
We are going to continue to focus on refurbishment and look for any opportunities and new market niches that may open up. We have more than 20 product lines and 2,000 reference projects, so I modestly believe that we can offer a portfolio of products and systems to cover any market need while having plenty of room for improvement. If a new business opportunity in Spain shows up, I am sure the Group (Mapei and Tecnopol) will be able to exploit it.
Mapei Spain has been focusing on sustainability for years: how is this principle incorporated in the company’s operations?
Sustainability in our products and processes is a must for Mapei in Spain. We help specifiers, endorsers and clients to carry out all kinds of innovative and sustainable projects through LEED, BREEAM, DGNB, VERDE seals and certifications.
As for the last 3/4 years, we have created a Prize for Architectural Sustainability which enjoys a good reputation in the Spanish market since its principles focus on sustainability regardless of the brand of the materials used in the project design.
Do you work with manufacturing associations and consortiums to reinforce the leadership of the Mapei brand?
Indeed, I have held the Presidency of Anfapa and Mapei Spain’s staff is part of many other associations (Anfah for Concrete Admixtures, AIFIM for Waterproofing Materials). Mapei Spain actively participates in all the associations that may strengthen our brand. It is very important that all manufacturers work together to protect transparency, ethics, compliance with standards and the thousands of existing jobs in our companies. I must admit that we have to deal with uncertainty in some areas such as the increase in the cost of energy and inflation in general, the recent major disruption of the global supply chain in pandemic times, shortages of key raw materials, lack of specialized contractors, etc. The authorities should resolve these issues as soon as possible, if they want the current economic recovery, which is certain real but also fragile, goes forward.