FNB Stadium

Location icon Johannesburg, South Africa
"참조 #": 4606


"Yard" main soccer stadium for South Afrika 2010 Soccer Championships
"Location" Johannesburg, South Africa
"Subcategory" STADIUM
"시공 시기" 2007
"오픈 시기" 2010
"Application" fornitura di prodotti per la protezione dei ferri d’armatura, il ripristino degli elementi in calcestruzzo sia all’interno che all’esterno, incollaggio di elementi di rinforzo strutturale in metallo
"Start and finish date" 2008/2010
"Application Type" Concrete restoration
"Owner" City of Johannesburg
"Contractor company" Grinaker-LTA/Interbeton
"Installer companies" Karrena Africa
"Architects" Boogertman Urban Edge + Partners con Populous
"MAPEI Distributor" Engineered Concrete Systems
"Credits" Pieter Aucamp
Project Manager Chris van Joorsveldt
"마페이 조정" Pieter Aucamp, Mapei South Africa (Pty) Ltd

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