Ejpovice Tunnel

Location icon Kyšice, Czech Republic
"참조 #": 201607


"Yard" railway tunnel
"Location" Kyšice, Czech Republic
"Subcategory" TUNNEL
"시공 시기" 2015
"오픈 시기" 2016
"Application" building of tunnel
"Start and finish date" 2015
"Application Type" Underground constructions
"Owner" ŠŽDC
"Contractor company" Sdružení mTS + SBT - MTÚ Rokycany - Plzeň
"Installer companies" Metrostav a.s.
"Architects" SUDOP Praha a.s.
Project Manager Ing. Štefan Ivor
"마페이 조정" Zdenek Runstuck, Krcmar Ondrej, Hela Vlastimil (Mapei spol s r.o.)

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