Coloured, water-repellent cementitious mortar

Pre-blended, high-performance, polymer-modified cementitious mortar with water-repellent DropEffect® technology for grouting joints up to 6 mm wide.


  • Water-repellent (DropEffect® Technology)
  • Durable and strong
  • Easy workability
  • Easy to clean
  • Uniform grouts, without cracks
  • Good resistance to acids
  • Very low emission of VOC

Where to use:

Grouting interior and exterior floor and wall tiling (single fired, double fired, klinker, porcelain tile, etc.), stone material (natural stones, marble, granite, agglomerates, etc.), glass and marble mosaics.

Packaging: 25 kg bags and boxes containing 4x5 alupacks depending on the colour.

Pot life of mix: approx. 2 hours.
Waiting time before finishing: 10-20 minutes.
Set to light foot traffic: approx. 24 hours.
Ready for use: 7-10 days.
Colours: 13.
Application: rubber MAPEI trowel or rake.
Finishing: MAPEI sponge or Scotch-Brite® pad.
EMICODE: EC1 Plus - very low emission.
Storage: 12 months (25 kg bags), 24 months (5 kg bags).
Consumption: according to the size of the joints.
Packaging: 25 kg bags and 4x5 kg Alupack boxes.

Related documentation

Technical data sheet
Safety Data Sheet

Calculate consumption

Tile specifications
Grout specifications
Area to be covered
The calculation is based on the actual volume to be filled and the product density.
The provided data should be considered indicative and for estimation purposes only, as certain factors that may still affect the actual consumption cannot be considered (for example, tile roughness, excess residual product, surface irregularities, etc.).

Color Palette

100 White
130 Jasmine
131 Vanilla
137 Caribbean

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