CenturyLink Technology Center of Excellence

Location icon Monroe, USA
N° de ref.: 200567
Categoria: INDÚSTRIA


Pátio interior passages and lobby
Local Monroe, USA
Subcategoria ESCRITÓRIOS
Construído em 2015
Aberto em 2015
Aplicação supply of products for interior natural stone slabs
Datas inicial e final 2015
Tipo de aplicação Pavimentos/revestimentos
Proprietário CenturyLink, Inc.
Empresa empreiteira Yates Construction
Empresas instaladoras CraftCroswell – Ridgeland, MS, USA
Arquitetos Moody Nolan
Distribuidor da MAPEI C&C Wholesale Distributors – New Orleans, LA, USA
Créditos Craig Miller
Project Manager Craig Miller
Descrição MAPEI supplied a variety of mortars and grouts to install different types of tile for a new technology center at the headquarters of a large communications and data services provider. Kerapoxy ® IEG CQ was used to grout the quarry tiles in the kitchen areas, while Ultracolor® Plus grout was used for both glass and large-format tile installations.

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Produto usado para o projeto

Adesilex P10 Mosaic & Glass Tile
Adesilex P10 Mosaic & Glass Tile
Product not avalaible for this market,
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Mapelastic AquaDefense
Mapelastic AquaDefense
Product not avalaible for this market,
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Ultracolor Plus FA
Ultracolor Plus FA
Product not avalaible for this market,
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