La Maison de la Culture de Gatineau

Location icon Gatineau, Canada
N° de ref.: 6


Pátio Renovation of the seating floor and stage floor of the complex’s Salle Odyssée theater Renovation of the seating floor and stage floor of the complex’s Salle Odyssée theater Renovation of the seating floor and stage floor of the complex’s
Local Gatineau, Canada
Construído em 2017
Aplicação MAPEI helps with floor renovation to modernize theater space
Datas inicial e final 2017
Tipo de aplicação Realiz. cobertura superficial
Proprietário Private ownership
Empresa empreiteira LCC Construction
Distribuidor da MAPEI Réno-Direct
Coordenação da MAPEI Justin Lafontaine
Descrição Architect: A4 Architects

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Mapecem 100
Mapecem 100
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Mapefloor CPU/RT [NA]
Mapefloor CPU/RT [NA]
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