Marché Adonis supermarket flooring renovation

Location icon Montréal, Canada
When a popular supermarket (Super C) was being remodeled into another wildly popular supermarket (Marché Adonis), the specifications called for a very rugged flooring system.
N° de ref.: 5
Categoria: COMERCIAL


Pátio Installation of Cementitious and Resin Flooring
Local Montréal, Canada
Construído em 2019
Aplicação Commercial – Cementitious and Resin Flooring
Datas inicial e final 2019
Tipo de aplicação Realiz. cobertura superficial
Proprietário Metro
Empresa empreiteira Vergo
Empresas instaladoras Protecsol
Arquitetos BLH Architects
Project Manager Yves Fallu (Equation engineer)
Coordenação da MAPEI Alain Pomerleau

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Produto usado para o projeto

Mapefloor CPU/COVE [NA]
Mapefloor CPU/COVE [NA]
Product not avalaible for this market,
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Mapefloor CPU/HD [NA]
Mapefloor CPU/HD [NA]
Product not avalaible for this market,
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Mapefloor CPU/TC [NA]
Mapefloor CPU/TC [NA]
Product not avalaible for this market,
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Primer SN
Primer SN
Product not avalaible for this market,
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3000031 - Mapefloor CPU/SB
Mapefloor CPU/SB
Product not avalaible for this market,
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