Location icon PARIS, Frankreich
Ref.-Nr.: 6106
Kategorie: Gewerbe


Bereich Floor for the entire shop
Standort PARIS, Frankreich
Projektart GESCHÄFT
Eröffnet 2020
Durchgeführte Arbeiten Supply of our Ultratop System Terrazzo products (floor and furniture in prefabricated parts)
The Ultratop System Terrazzo is a decorative, polished, cast floor system based on hydraulic binders and aggregates, with a "terrazzo" effect. Using today's techniques, it is possible to obtain "Terrazzo alla Veneziana" with a traditional appearance, close to the authenticity of those created centuries ago in the Serenissima, but also a "polished concrete" appearance, with a lower density of aggregates, a random distribution and a more industrial appearance.
Baubeginn und -ende 2020
Art der Anwendung Industrieböden
Ausführer/Verarbeiter MERGOZZO
Technischer Verkaufsberater MAPEI Ludovic Margiovanni

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