Physiotherapy / Balneotherapy practice

Location icon CHATENAY MALABRY, Francia
Rif n°: 6117
Categoria: Edifici residenziali


Cantiere Installation of a physiotherapy and balneotherapy room. Installation of a re-education pool on the floor of the third floor.
Località CHATENAY MALABRY, Francia
Intervento Installation of a physiotherapy and balneotherapy room. Installation of a re-education pool on the floor of the third floor.
Reinforcement of the upper floor of the R+2 by carbon plates in the area of the pool to overcome the new loads
Inizio e fine dei lavori 2022
Tipo di intervento Lieferung von produkten
Impresa appaltatrice SPID
Imprese esecutrici VIALIS
Progettisti Meredith BEHM
Specialisti coinvolti nei lavori BE PRATEC
Coordinatore MAPEI Laurent BARTHOLOMÉ

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