One-component, aliphatic polyurethane binder for decorative open-pore floors made with natural open-pore aggregates. TECHNICAL DATA: Colour of mix: transparent. Consistency of mix: fluid. Workability time: 70 minutes. Complete Set to light foot traffic time: 48 hours. Application temperature range: from +8°C to +30°C. Binder/inert consumption: 1:20. Compressive strength after 7 days at +23°C (EN 196-1): 12.47 N/mm². Flexural strength after 7 days at +23°C (EN 196-1): 5.19 N/mm². Storage: 12 months in its original sealed packaging. Application: rake, straight-edge, smooth trowel and mechanical vibro-compactor. Consumption: 1.0 kg/m² per cm of thickness. Packaging: 5 kg drums.