Two-component, water-based base coat, enhancing wood natural beauty and warmth, with very low emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and no NMP, for wooden floors.
Where to use:
Preparation of traditional wooden floors, both pre-polished and those requiring repair.
Two-component, water-based base product characterised by its high insulating properties. Easy to sand down and easy to apply.
Reduces the problem of overlaps. Ultracoat P920 S-T has been developed to stain wood without causing unsightly colour variations on wood rich in tannin and other water-soluble colorants (such as oak, teak, etc.). Therefore, it is particularly suitable for more difficult types of wood to avoid them becoming darker or redder. Its combination based on the latest-generation of resin gives a tone to wood which is almost identical to that obtained using conventional solvent-based products.
Ultracoat P920 S-T contains a high level of residual solids, and when used in combination with Ultracoat P925 two-component, water-based paint, it may be applied in two coats.
If single component water-based Ultracoat P915 is used, it is possible to apply the cycle in two or three coats.
Technical data:
Consistency: comp. A liquid; comp. B liquid.
Colour: comp. A transparent; comp. B whitish.
Inflammable: no.
Recommended application temperature range: from +10°C to +35°C.
Pot life of mix: 2 hours.
Mixing ratio: comp. A : comp. B = 5 : 1 (in volume).
Maximum permitted dilution ratio (Dir. 2004/42/CEE): 10% with clean water or Ultracoat EL. Recommended at all times at high temperatures.
Sanding: after 12 hours.
Painting over with no sanding: after 2 hours, and within 12 hours.
EMICODE: EC1 R - very low emission.
Storage: 12 months.
Application: by roller Ultracoat Roller Plus or brush.
80-100 g/m2 per coat.
6 l units (A + B).

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