600m² Floor in a Food Manufacturing Plant in Auckland

Location icon Auckland, New Zealand
When food and beverage companies need to shut down their processing lines for service or repairs, the downtime can be very costly. Every day that they are not producing, it is dollars down the drain. Mapei has the solution with its unique flowable PU cement -Mapefloor CPU/NZ Mapefloor CPU/NZ is a high strength polyurethane cement topping that is specifically designed to withstand the rigours and harsh conditions encountered in food processing environments. Its unique benefit is that it does not require primers, scratch coats or topcoats and will therefore take at least a day out of the installation process compared to traditional resin flooring systems. Trained Mapefloor applicators have recently completed a 600m² floor in a food manufacturing plant in Auckland with the floor installed in one day and ready for full service again 12 hours later. Mapefloor - floors that last! #mapei #mapefloor #foodandbeverage #foodprocessing #foodmanufacturing #flooring #resinflooring
Nr. ref.: 20190404


Yard interior floors
Locație Auckland, New Zealand
Sub-categorie FABRICA
Aplicație Trained Mapefloor applicators have recently completed a 600m² floor in a food manufacturing plant in Auckland with the floor installed in one day and ready for full service again 12 hours later.
Data de început și de finalizare 2017/2019
Tipul aplicației Pardoseli industriale pe baza de ciment si rasini
Coordonare MAPEI Scott Lacey

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