Admixture to make epoxy and polyurethane products thicker with a thixotropic consistency. TECHNICAL DATA: Appearance: powder. Colour: white. Density: 960 kg/m ² . Consumption: 2-5% by weight on the…
Admixture to make epoxy and polyurethane products thicker with a thixotropic…
Ultra quick-setting and hardening hydraulic binder for blocking seeping water. TECHNICAL DATA: Consistency: fine powder. Workability time at 20°C: approximately 1 minute. Storage: 12 months. Mixing…
Ultra quick-setting and hardening hydraulic binder for blocking seeping water.…
TPE tape for flexible sealing and waterproofing of expansion joints and cracks subject to movement. TECHNICAL DATA: Sizes available: 17 cm (MAPEBAND TPE 170); 32.5 cm (MAPEBAND TPE 325). Width of…
TPE tape for flexible sealing and waterproofing of expansion joints and cracks…
Hem pozitif, hem negatif su basıncına maruz beton yüzeylerin su yalıtımı için iki bileşenli, esnek, çimento esaslı membran. TEKNİK BİLGİ: Kıvam: tiksotropik. Karışım oranı: A bileşeni : B bileşeni =…
Hem pozitif, hem negatif su basıncına maruz beton yüzeylerin su yalıtımı için…