Whether we are talking about renovating a residential building, a hotel, or an office block, designers and building companies are required to comply with a minimum level of soundproofing. Apart from meeting these requirements, our soundproofing systems are quick and easy to install and maintain their performance properties over the years.
Products for Acoustic Insulations
Whether we are talking about renovating a residential building, a hotel, or an office block, designers and building companies are required to comply with a minimum level of soundproofing. Apart from meeting these requirements, our soundproofing systems are quick and easy to install and maintain their performance properties over the years.
Sound absorption and soundproofing: these two concepts often cause confusion: sound-absorbing materials are chosen to improve the quality of a room’s acoustics (such as a concert hall), whereas materials with soundproofing characteristics are used…
Sound absorption and soundproofing: these two concepts often cause confusion: sound-absorbing materials are chosen to improve the quality of a room’s acoustics (such as a concert hall), whereas…
Mapei has a range of certified soundproofing products available for floor slabs and floors to combat the noise of footsteps, including for existing buildings requiring restoration.
DataMapesilent is our free software program to help design soundproofing systems.
Our soundproofing systems comply with legal or project specifications.
Existing buildings can also benefit from new soundproofing systems.
Technical documentation
A specifications guide for designers, architects and companies in the building industry to simplify their work and their choices for certified, eco-sustainable and qualified products