With its extensive products and systems for installing resilient floor in hospital and healthcare centres, Mapei offers the complete solutions with a particular focus on sustainability and properties, as well as ease and speed of installation.
floor screed TOPCEM PRONTO 305; skimming compound PLANIPREP SC; moisture-reduction barrier PLANISEAL VS-MY; self-levelling smoothing compound ULTRAPLAN CONTRACT; universal adhesive for resilient, textile floor & wall coverings ULTRABOND ECO V4 EVOLUTION; semi-gloss enamel for interior walls in healthcare facilities MAPECOAT ACT 196
This line of products includes adhesives, smoothing and levelling compounds and primers for installing resilient and acrylic and polyurethane resin flooring.
For more information, please enquire via email to mapei@mapei.com.my
For some selected products like Novoplan 21 and TopCem Pronto 305, are available in selected hardware stores. Please enquire direct to MAPEI Whatsapp