Elastomeric, crack-bridging, permanently flexible, protective paint with high resistance to chemicals for internal and external surfaces. TECHNICAL DATA: Consistency: thick liquid. Colour: white or…
Elastomeric, crack-bridging, permanently flexible, protective paint with high…
Two part water-based co-polymeric paint for the protection of cementitious substrates Where to use Preparing the substrate Surfaces to be treated must be fully cured (even freshly patched areas),…
Two part water-based co-polymeric paint for the protection of cementitious…
Film-forming curing compound for shotcrete Where to use Mapecure CCI 2000 is used for protecting fresh shotcrete from rapid evaporation of water, caused by wind, sunlight, or ventilation present in…
Film-forming curing compound for shotcrete Where to use Mapecure CCI 2000 is…
Quick-setting, fibre-reinforced cementitious levelling mortar for internal and external floors and walls, applied in layers from 3 to 30 mm to even out irregularities. TECHNICAL DATA: Where to use:…
Quick-setting, fibre-reinforced cementitious levelling mortar for internal and…
Çok düşük seviyede zararlı organik bileşen (VOC) yayan, su dispersiyonlu sentetik reçine astar. TEKNİK BİLGİ: Kıvam: sıvı. Renk: mavi. Seyreltme oranı: alt yüzeyin emiciliğine bağlı olarak su ile 1:1…
Çok düşük seviyede zararlı organik bileşen (VOC) yayan, su dispersiyonlu…