Premium, Epoxy Grout and Mortar with Color-Coated Quartz Kerapoxy CQ is a two-component, 100%-solids, epoxy grout and mortar that is nonsagging/nonslumping in joints up to 3/8" (10 mm) in width,…
Premium, Epoxy Grout and Mortar with Color-Coated Quartz Kerapoxy CQ is a…
100%-Solids, Industrial-Grade, Epoxy Grout with Color-Coated Quartz Kerapoxy IEG CQ is a water-cleanable, 100%-solids, epoxy grout with high chemical and stain resistance. It is a nonshrinking,…
100%-Solids, Industrial-Grade, Epoxy Grout with Color-Coated Quartz Kerapoxy…
Premium, Epoxy Grout and Mortar Kerapoxy is a premium-grade, water-cleanable, 100%-solids, high-strength, chemical-resistant, nonsagging, epoxy grout and mortar that offers excellent stain and…
Premium, Epoxy Grout and Mortar Kerapoxy is a premium-grade, water-cleanable,…