Ready-to-use flexible liquid membrane with fibres for continuous waterproofing layers on exposed external surfaces. TECHNICAL DATA: Consistency: paste. Application temperature range: from +5°C to…
Ready-to-use flexible liquid membrane with fibres for continuous waterproofing…
Permanent encapsulation of asbestos cement. Use Aquaflex System cycle for the permanent encapsulation of type A (external view), B (internal view) and C (no view, before confinement) in compliance…
Permanent encapsulation of asbestos cement. Use Aquaflex System cycle for the…
Waterproof, easy-to-clean acrylic paint for internal and external surfaces in permanent contact with water. TECHNICAL DATA: Consistency: thick liquid. Colour: colours from the colour chart range…
Waterproof, easy-to-clean acrylic paint for internal and external surfaces in…
Alkali-resistant fibreglass mesh for reinforcing interior and exterior levelling compounds. Alkali-resistant Fibreglass Mesh 4x4.5 mm, 1,000 mm long for insertion as reinforcing in the first layer…
Alkali-resistant fibreglass mesh for reinforcing interior and exterior…
Hydrophilic expandable rubber section for watertight construction joints. Idrostop is a soft preformed flexible strip, with an acrylic polymer base specially designed to form watertight construction…
Hydrophilic expandable rubber section for watertight construction joints.…