ED TOP MIX is a program for the concrete designer, which guides and assists mix design optimization.
It supports the user to produce a single mix or to develop or update an entire mix-set. It suggests the most appropriate customised options and corrections.
ED TOP MIX processes the entire composition mix-set for cement dosages from 50 to 500 kg/m3 with a 10 kg/m3 pitch, then transfers these to the automation system, considering the moisture detected by the sensors. The user can accept or adjust these dosages once the program is completed.
Test results are compared to the data collected to determine the main correlations (strength vs curing time, strength vs dosage of cement, compressive strength vs water/cement ratio, strength vs consistency etc).
Finally, ED TOP MIX provides alternatives to update the dosages for the different concrete grades and consistencies, always meeting the requirements of the selected exposure classes. Updates are automatically transferred to the automation system to replace the previous ones.
Through the continuous collection and analysis of strength test data, ED TOP MIX allows updating the control parameters of product quality in real-time. Moreover, the mix-sets no longer being used are permanently stored.
ED TOP MIX general characteristics:
ED TOP MIX is subdivided into the following main steps: