
Varebestilling, transportspørsmål etc.

Tlf. +47 62 97 20 20

E-post: kundeservice@mapei.no

Åpningstider kundeservice: mandag – fredag: 08.00 – 16.00

Tider for lasting: mandag – torsdag: 06.00 – 21.00, fredager: 06.00 – 17.00
Tider for lossing: mandag – fredag: 07.00 – 16.00



Transportkontor åpningstider:
Mandag – torsdag: 06.00 – 22.00, fredag: 06.00 – 18.00

Lager åpningstider:
Tider for lasting: mandag – torsdag: 06.00 – 21.00, fredager: 06.00 – 17.00
Tider for lossing: mandag – fredag: 07.00 – 16.00

Her finner du frakttabell i PDF-format:

Transportpriser kunde gjeldende fra 1. februar 2025

Transportpriser kunde gjeldende fra 1. februar 2025 - tillegg





How to forward a claim:

  1. Call Mapei AS, tel. (+47) 62 97 20 00, and ask to be connected to your customer contact. 
  2. Your customer contact can guide you through the filling out of the customer complaints form, or you can download it here: Complaints form
    The completed complaints form is to be sent to (complaints@mapei.no) for registration. You will be contacted in writing within 7 working days after the registration of your case. 
  3. It will be sent you a confirmation letter with a reference code to your claim. This code will serve as your reference id during the entire process as we process your case. The letter will additionally contain further information about our claims processing.
  4. Your complaint will be forwarded for internal handling. All documentation such as copies of correspondence, invoices, consignment notes etc. will be enclosed.


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