Humphrey Pecan Processing Plant

Location icon Torreón, Mexico
Ref #: 1

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Konstruksjonstype Planta procesadora
Sted Torreón, Mexico
Underkategori PLANT
Bygget i 2019
Åpnet i 2019
Bruksområde It is a walnut processing plant that was in the process of certification to export its product. The regulation that applies to food and pharmaceutical products requires a sanitary process for which it needed floor covering in 100% of its facilities.
The difficulty of the project is that within the process area the normal temperature ranged from 25 to 35 ° C. The client had tried different alternatives with polyurethane/cement technology and the applied samples of the competition had presented defects in the finish. Aware of the working conditions, the samples were made according to a procedure developed to the needs of the client and the coating was defined in three layers that allowed the installation of the Mpafloor CPU / MF @ 3.5 mm system and Mapfloor CPU / TC @ 16 mils finish, achieving customer satisfaction.
Start- og sluttdato 2019
Kategori bruksområde Gulv- og veggmontering
MAPEI-distributør Pinturas Osel de la Laguna
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Produkter brukt i prosjektet

2042 - Mapefloor CPU/MF
Mapefloor CPU/MF
Product not available for this market,
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6704 - Mapefloor CPU/TC
Mapefloor CPU/TC
Product not available for this market,
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