McGill University Strathcona Building Masonry Strengthening

Location icon Montreal, Canada
Ref #: 321321

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Konstruksjonstype Structural reinforcement of interior masonry using fiber-reinforced cementitious matrix, concrete repair
Sted Montreal, Canada
Underkategori SCHOOL
Bygget i 1896
Bruksområde A Victoria-era building had deteriorating masonry that needed structural-strengthening. MAPEI’s fiber-reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM) was applied to rehabilitate the building envelope.
Kategori bruksområde Betongrehabilitering, Restaurering av murverk, Strukturell forsterkning
Innehaver McGill University
Entreprenør Atwill-Morin
Kreditering Ralph Thompson
Prosjektledelse hos MAPEI Hamza Ouziame, Luca Albertario and Michel Lafortune, with assistance from Baltazar Basabe
Beskrivelse Structural engineer: Elizabeth Darveau (WSP)

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