St. Augustine’s Roman Catholic Church

Location icon Dundas, Canada
Ref #: 51

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Konstruksjonstype Roman Catholic Church
Sted Dundas, Canada
Underkategori CHURCH
Bygget i 1863
Åpnet i 1863
Bruksområde MAPEI products were used to waterproof the front foyer and provide crack isolation.
St. Augustine’s Church is a magnificent Gothic-style church constructed in 1863. It was built to satisfy the needs of a small but ever-expanding congregation in Dundas, Ontario, after a spectacular fire destroyed the church of 1827. To protect the structural integrity of the construction, MAPEI products were used to waterproof the front foyer and provide crack isolation.
Start- og sluttdato 2018
Kategori bruksområde Gulvlegging, Surface preparation, Vanntetting
Innehaver St. Augustine’s Roman Catholic Church
MAPEI-distributør Prosol Hamilton
Kreditering Gino D’Alesio
Prosjektledelse hos MAPEI Gino D’Alesio
Beskrivelse Architect: Tarbutt Construction Ltd.

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Produkter brukt i prosjektet

Mapeguard UM
Mapeguard UM
Product not available for this market,
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Mapelastic AquaDefense
Mapelastic AquaDefense
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Ultracolor Plus FA
Ultracolor Plus FA
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Ultraflex LFT
Ultraflex LFT
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